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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  December 9, 2013 11:00pm-11:36pm PST

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lend of pepper jack cheese, roasted peppers and onions, on toasted sourdough for just $3.99. is that where you also got the idea for that clock bracelet you always wear? my watch? no...these were invented a long time ago. like in the 80's? nbce>c>ok bay area newsokçó >> good evening, thanks forçó joining us. >> breaking news has to do with firefighters havingi] their han full battling a fire next to 101. fi hours. nbc is live at the scene and what do youñi now at this hour? >> reporter: we know this is a
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two-alarm fi)b and a large trash pile is burning inside of a warehouse. take a look if you can see through all that smoke. you might be able to see axd ladder truck is deployed and firefighters are putting water even this fire from abovet( and smoke is pouring out of connected buildings. they have threeñi engines and three ladder trucks here. the fire is sot( smoky. the trash pile has been burning for over twoñi hours, is 100 yas long and eight feet deep. it's mostly building materials, things like old lumber and sheetrock. at this point think do not think the smoke is dangerous. there is no shelter in place foó people who live nearby. tí>2[$ásját is makingçó it tougk firefighters. it'slp making itok tough to see they must useñi their bryting apparatus while think fight this fire with water and hand tools.
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>> the concern is the smoke. and that's why we're having to be wearing our fdtas and rotating so many crews in and out of this w3building. >> reporter: the plançó is tolp to dowse the trash fire by hand until the warehouse begins to clear of smoke. then they can operate some big equipment and move the trash pile around to help2ggt the fire out, but firefighters sayçó thi trash pile is expected to burn for a long time because it is such dense material. so crews will get tired rotating in and out every 20oklp minutes so and attacking this trash fire by hand. at this point there are no injuries to report andq investigators are here looking into what caused this fire. the cause is under investigation and as can you see, it is a very active firefight. nbc bay area news. thanks so much.ñi we'll keep you posted if anythingok develops. one thing firefighters areó[
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goaling with is record-breaking cold temps. chief meteorologist jeff ranieri begins tonight's team coverage. >> temperatures are dropping to the 20ñis. also arias ireas for the eastó[ the 30s. freeze warning in effect for the south bay,ok east bay and the peninsula. i do think the number one coldest locationok with widesprd temperatures in the 20s will be so if you're outt( doing anyxd traveling tomorrow morning, you want to watch out for patchy areas of black ice,çó especiall on route 17, skyline drive and let's get you into the coldest for the morning hours, napa, 22 degreesxdçó and san jose at 30. finally some good news with all this cold weather.
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we'll let you know when warm weather will bet( moving in. >> temperatures have been dropping steadilyñi all nigó$ cold weather has proven deadly fo(i those stuck outside and sickly for those e1inside. we continue our cold weather coverage fromxdçó san jose with l++p>> reporter: we're talkingñt dry skin and catching a cold. and people are coping with all this theñi best way they can. : half of the kids at this day care have a cold. >>i right around this season w noses, coughs and colds, and it spreads likefvñwildfire. one shows up sick and within days it's like axd domino effec. when you put kids together in one room. >> i think it's the sharing of the toys, things go into theó[
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mouth. and back into the play area. >> reporter: there's a heavyçóx emphasis on hand washing and they sanitize all thexd toys. the cold weather has taken its toll on erica and her friend. she was sick last week and the cold didn't help. >> i was freezing antk breathi in the cold air hurts. >> reporter: she is dealing with dry lips and dry hands. >> it hurts÷1y bad. i wake up in the middle of the night because it's so cold.çó >> as the weather gets cok&i we qñi warm. >> reporter: he blamesxd hot showers and our heaters for our dryñi skin. >> naturally, what happens when you pump dry, hot air into your environment, that environment dries out. sot(çó the relativefá humidity 1 environment, as it goes down all the moisture from your body gets sucked out and your skinñi drie out. >> reporter: solution, use
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cleansers and moisturizersfá afr a shower. >> right away you hydrate your skin with a prr moisturizer.çó >> reporter: now another good thing to use in the home during this time of the year are humidifiers. they add moisture to the air and keep yourfá body from going dry. nbc bay area news. >> thank çóyou, george. more details, gas bills are likely to be çóexpensive. they are seeing record amounts of gas among its 14 million customers. the amount of gas they're supplying today is double what it was on thanksgiving, so expect a high bill. our coverage of the cold weather online. you'll see lotsçó of photos lik this one sent by our viewers. we'd like to see what you have to offeb óus. ine1 the upper right hand corne témf your screenw3jfjf you'll s
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it says send pics. and now thousands aree1 gathering to pay tribute to nelson mandela. he died last week at the age of 95. world leaders from nearly 100 countries are attending, including president obama who just arrived and is scheduled to speak. security willfá beçó tight at t stadium which holds 95,000 people. leaders will be behind bullet-proof glass.  presidentswo#jf bill clinton, george w. bush and jimmy carter who calls mandela one of the leading people of the century. >> i would say that mow haute má gandhiw3 and nelson mandela wou q as well mother teresa of those people that you look on with a great deal of admiration aj inspiration.
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>> his body will lie in state for three days beforeñit( movin( the smallvil the small village where hexd gr up. our coverage begins at 1:00 in the morning. and today in the bay will again at 4:00 in the morning. and now to the latest in the investigation of the asiana crash. hearings begin tomorrow in ok washington, d.c.çóe1 representatives from boeing will the pilots who were in thec cockpit the day the plane asiana flight crashed and killed three teens and injured nearly 200 people.c now nbcñi bay area's investigate unit isq in washington, dshlgts
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c. for those hearings. police are investigating a string of carçó break insjf ear q cloud the theft oft( christmas gifts for children at at(çó local hospita. police say theokçó man shown on surveillance videoçóok stolelp 1,000 int(ñi gifts. police are looking for an african-american man appzokimately 20 to 30 years of age. he may have dwred locks or long braids. disbelief, that'st(ñi the feeling tonight about a÷ teache carrying on a sexual relationship with a student. documents say that some of the crimes may h4zcampus of the cat. >> reporter: i spoke to several members of the suspect's family,
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and they are outraged tonight, but the police and the district attorney's office are painting a very different picture of mia cummings who is facing eightñi counts of having sex with añi m more. >> my brain can't even wraparound this whole situation. >> reporter: she is mia's sister. >> she loves her job. she tries to take s:áq of these kids as if sheçó were theirw3 mother. kids as if sheçó were theirw3 mother. >> reporter: bm( picture police and theñi alamed district attorney are painting of mia cummings, the 29 year old charged with eight counts of lewd acts with a child under the able of 14. >> he was in the seventh grade and he waswnk in a sensual relationship with an afterschoo1 assistant. she's 29 years old. she was 27 at the time the
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relationship began. >> reporter: they claim it went on for two years, includingw3 a least fiveq interactions on school grounds. she wasw3 arrested on november , about a week after the allegations were first qqreport. >> we weree1 notified by a loca hospital who heq disclosed to them theok allegations. >> reporter: letters were september home toñi parents, telling them about the arrest and that the school was cooperating in the investigation. we contacted the oakland archdiocese for the reaction. we spoke to ai] representative ó phone. >> in our investigation qq internally, we discovered that proper testing had been done when she was hired in 2005, one element ofq which isñi fingerprinted andç"checking criminal record. ì& passed alle1 of the diocese requirements. cummings says the truth will prevail. she wasñi arraigned on decemberó
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she is right now on paid administrative leave. nbc bay area news. a possible breakthrough in the fight againstq cancer. howq doctors are using the patient's own blood cells to beat theñi disease. also. çnonetheless, a sad dayt( for this department. >> criminal charges against several los angeles county deputies, allegations of abuse and corruption. plus the bay area veteran detained in north korea. whattae reveals about the threat he faced and that message his captors forced him to read. and we're showing you right now a live look at that fireñi burning at a plant in san francisco, smoke pouringjf out the building. we'll have a live update for you coming up.
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new at 11:00, accusations of corruption inside jails. federalçóçó officials haveçó fi charges against 18 current and former losçó angeles county x deputiesw3 as part o civil rights abuses. thexd accusations include beatis of inmates and visitors, unjustified detentions and a conspiracy toi] obstrí açó fedel >> we're notfv:uájjt to letu t particularñr set of circumstanc discredit the 19 or 18,000 peopletx the department that do outstanding ñrwork. >> sheriff lee baca3w insisted this was not a reflection of his
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leadership or his departmentçó the. how did theyñi die?5a questionsw3 asked after a famil makes a5a disturbing discovery. human remains found. now we want to warn you, you may find the images disturbing. he says he was walking with his two children yesterday afternoon when theyçó saw a skull and a se on the trail. he hopes the discovery will give a person and the family some sense of relief. >> whether they find who did their or not is one thing, butoi hopeu that the families can bef okay, at least now we know where they e1are. eñ at least they'll have some kind of closure on where their family member is. >> the sheriff's investigating says so far there is nothing that indicatese1 gender or how they died. sources say the acting chied will become the official chief tomorrow. he took over as acting chief
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nearly a year ago when chris moore çóokretired. es -- coerced. he was released after 42 days in custody. heçó arrived at sfo on saturday. he saysñi he was forced to make that confession because he wasn threatened with 15 years of imprisonment unless he apologized for war crimes he %4ñlegedly committed during the korean war thee1 sea level is rising along the peninsula and scientists say it could have a disastrous impact. today they came together to take hr(t&háhp &hc this issue. they say a dramatic rise in sea level is expected by 2050.
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ways to prepare for those changes. they say thanks to climate changes it is unavoidable. >> the extra igat and the glacier, and the ice sheets are starting to thaw. and as they e1thaw, that ice is going to go into the ocean, and it's going to raise sea level. >> some of the steps today include extending the sea wall, building leveesen a ma eand mak changes as to how homest( are built. >> yeah, theree1 certainlyñi isq for tomorrow the coltf weather will continueñi for tomorrow. here forçó the north bay,y1 eas bay, south bay and also for the peninsula, temperatures will range any where fromçót(jf 21 t( degrees. can you see the coldest trend up
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into the north bay. +-q of the night. already belowçó ourxdñi average where we should be for the morning lows the northñi bay. your average 25çó degrees. the east bay 34 l9qqqáy i do want to take you to the south bay live. clothes you need for weather that'sq going to be dropping to 30 degreesw3óomñi at 7:00 in th morning. by ñi1:00, temperatures in the 50s. we also want to bring you to san francisco where we currently have 40 degrees. and what you'll notice is that wind speed is calm. that is goingñ be key in the forecaste1ñi for giving usfá mo1 temper3t-res. temperatures will not stay warmer. for the coldest temperatures for and san josejfem expected to be below the freezing mark. so let's advance thet( storyw3
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to get some warming. it's been now going on seven days at temperatures of 32 or below for partsñi of the bay ar. this chilly dome of air sitting across california is going to take justq a slight move, three to 500 miles who haveh%fe1 towa nd that's going to warm our ñitemperatures. it doesn't look like a whole lot when you look at it at firstç51 glance, we think by friday we'll see a warming in the morning by about 10 degrees. so that's definitely some good news in the forecast for us. but that same ridge of high pressure is also going to give use1 poor air quality over the next 24 hours.lp unhealthy levels up into the north bay and moderate levels in the east bay, peninsulafá and south pay. it'se1 illegal to burn. you do want to take those precautions. but take a look at the north bay in particular.ñi
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that's where the worst air quality is. and weq may not get any relief until friday when it's expected tot( improve. 52 throughoutt( palo alto. and for the north bay, east bay and tri valley, anywhere fromqç8 to 53. 53çó in napa. when itjf comes to airport dela, we're looking good. but the thing you want to looke out for tomorrow is 1 to 3 inches of snow in the northeast. thatq could provide more travel delays and ripple effects. do payt( attention to thosefá ft delays tomorrow. i would suggest that being here would be a lot better than being stuck in a plane in snow.
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>> i would agree with you. coming up, curiosity rover,
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w.÷ the fight against cance, leukemia patientsi] werelp givew ex treatment. early ñroutcomes were so promisg that researchers have expanded the study. the treatment involves transfusing a çópatient's geneticax7çói]çóok altered whi cells back into their body. >> i think this is really a new paradigm in cancer treatment.fá this is reallyok using a patiens own immune cells to treat their own cancer. >> the çóshort-term side effect still include severe flu like symptoms, but most patients say it is worth it.qçó
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doctors won't know the true significance for another few years. you can add california to a host of states adding a bidw3w3 boeing. the governor will submit the b8c tomorrow tow3 host the triple 7 dreamliner. the roverqkoi] mhas discov lake. there's also evidence of several streams running from the mountains into the lake. the'c curiosity rover found hydrogen, ñinitrogen, and carbo support microbial life forms as well. a big honor for a big name in baseball. up next in s'mqq+.
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okay. let's gete1 to the sports t( newsroom. and a tough night for the warriors. >> you can never count them out, even if they're down 27. conversely, when theylp play a weakçó charlotte team on the ro you can't automatically give them a w. they're from charlotte. and currie hits the 3, finished with 43. a tough layup took put thecsjt(s up 7.ñi warriors lose. now 1-2 onçó the road trip.fá won three straightjf pennants. and swept the bay bridge world series in '89. tony tony la russa, hall-of-famer.
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>> my parents said dream the big dream. playing in the biñ( leagues, maybe part of the championship that was a dream and pursued it and sometimes they come true. but never, ever was the hall of and so it's a stunner. but when you love baseball, you appreciate the history and the club that you just have beent( voted into. and total respect, humility and honor, i say thank you. >> baldwin not only a leader on the field for the niners, butqo off the field. bowman hosted a toy drive tonight in order to help moreçó ch during the holidays. and from heartwarming to just plain cold, oregonok playe got a littlefá carriedok away wa snowball fight hitting a retireó
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professor. suspended for the ducks game against texas. heñi will not get to play. "ñ think it was funny. don't go away.çó
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breaking news, a stubborn fire in san francisco is still burning at this hour. few minutes ago jessica said tomorrow isq a spare the airday.i] this is not going to help. dozens of firefighters are here attacking this fire usingjf hos and hand tools. you can sighi] the smoke is pouringe1 out of the warehouse. crews saye1q the trc3sh pile is yards long and 8 feet deep. that is what's t(burning. the structure is not on fire.
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this is a recycling area. so things like old furniture, plywood, drywall, that's what's inside, and that's what's burning. crews are having tojf rotate ou every 20 minutes or so because of all that heavy smoke. it's difficult for them to see, it's difficult for them to breathe. and they're using hand tools. so it's very labor-intensive for firefighters.ç$ r(tf o it is a dense trash heap. department says there are no injuries.@ónobody was insidew7re when the fire started.w3 so nobody was hurt. crews are investigating, they are trying to figure out what started this fire. but at thi+d point theçó focus to get water on there and to geq this fire out. reporting live, nbc bay area. >> lot of ca&g passing by can see the smoke.
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we want to remindxd you tod in the bay starts early at 4:00 and the memorial service forçó nelson mandela is at 1:00. the temperaturesq are going a little bit of wind we should seeok areas o 20s and 30slp elsewhere includi san jose. >> wear a coat, going to be chilly! i love watching tv outside. and why can you move the tv out here? the wireless receiver. i got that when i switched to u-verse. but why? because it's so much better than cable. it's got more hd channels, more dvr space. yeah, but i mean, how did you know? i researched. no, i-i told you. no. yeah! no. the important part is that you're happy now. and i got you this visor. you made a visor! yes! that i'll never wear. ohh.
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[ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for two years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible.
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and now, jay leno! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jay: wow. hi, everybody. welcome to "the tonight show." happy holidays everybody. nice to have you all here. boy, how about this winter storm back east? oh, my god.


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